Rabu, 18 Juni 2014

Singkatan ala An's

MTB =  Manusia Tak Berharga
EGB = Emangnya nGgak Boleh?
TelKom = Telat Komen
KuGa = KUrang GAwe
MoCu = MOdal CUcuk (diambil dari JBODM - istilah bahasa sasak untuk omdo (omong doang))
GaGuGi = ngGAk GalaU laGI
Jack Lock = oJEK LOKal
Ot Lol = OTak LOading Lama, istilah untuk orang yang berpikir lama, atau lebih kerennya, TelMi (Telat Mikir)
JaMal = JAdi MALu
A2S = Ada-Ada Saja
MGL = Mau Gimana Lagi?
KuDa = cuKUp suDAh

Sabtu, 14 Juni 2014


It's only matter of time, to make your wish come true
It's only matter of time, to change your life
It's only matter of time, so you can find a good thing
It's only matter of time, so you can fix a broken heart
It's only matter of time, so you can make everyone know
It's only matter of time, so you can find someone who loves you
It's only matter of time, so you can be what you can't be
It's only matter of time, to get a friend and love
It's only matter of time, to know somebody loves you
It's only matter of time, to make someone loves you
It's only matter of time, so you can be happy
It's only matter of time, to wait a download 
It's only matter of time, to wait the boiled water
It's only matter of time, to wait a bus
It's only matter of time, so you can reap what you sow
Cause everything needs time
All of us living in certain time
